Marine life still lives… – Jetzt auf Deutsch!/German version +Exhibition!

Crabe enrage is happy to announce that there is now a german version of the zine ‘marine life still lives under the anthropocentric gaze’.The animal liberation support group tierbefreier*innen Bochum (here’s their fb page) organise an annual one-day event, where you can see/get a german version of the zine (CR will bring some english ones as well),

Crabe Enrage freut sich, euch zu informieren, dass e s gibt nun eine deutsche Version des Zines ‘marine lifes still lives..’ gibt! Am Tierbefreiungstag (hier ein FacebookLink), ein jährlich organisiertes Event der Tierbefreier*innen Bochum wird es Exemplare auf Deutsch zum Ankucken und Mitnehmen geben.



Tierbefreiungstag 2020  –> 25.1.2020 <–
Soziales Zentrum Bochum, Josephstr.2
(U35 von/from Bochum HBF Ri./direction Herne, Haltestelle/tramstop Feldsieperstr., Ausgang/Exit Schmechtingstr., einfach 100m die Straße hoch)
Beginn/Start: 12:00



Spenden für:


Vortrag über Polizei und ihre Alternativen:

facebook only

Tiefgrün Münster






(Der Verlag animot veröffentlicht Literatur zu den Themen Tierbefreiung, Tierrechte, Tierethik und Mensch-Tier Studien. Der Verlag ist nicht Profit orientiert, sondern reinvestiert die Gewinne in neue Projekte oder sponsort Veranstaltungen.)

roots of compassion





13:00 – 13:45 Für ein Ende der Gewalt – Die Polizei und Alternativen zu ihr (von
Die Ausgangsfrage ist: Was sind die Funktionen der Polizei? Wie unterstützen und schützen wir Sie durch unser alltägliches Handeln? Wie kann sogar Kritik an Polizeigewalt die Polizei noch stärken? Welche anarchistischen Widerstandsformen gegen die Polizei gibt/gab es? Danach werden Alternativen zur vermeintlichen Konfliktlösung durch die Polizei vorgestellt. Fokus ist dabei wie wir so mit Konflikten umgehen, dass sich unserer Leben konkret verbessert und gleichzeitig dem Staat ein Stück Kontrolle entziehen. Eine Inspiration ist Community Accountability (Gemeinschaftliche Verantwortlichkeit).

Eine anarchistische Gesellschaft – schön und gut, sagen einige. Aber wie will mensch die Polizei ersetzen? Wie sollen wir uns selbst schützen,ohne auf eine Instanz zurückzugreifen, die Gewalt ausübt und wie unterstützen wir sie sogar noch durch Kritik an ihrer Gewalt? Wie gehen wir so mit Konflikten um, dass sich unser Leben verbessert und wir dem Staat etwas Kontrolle entziehen?

13:45 – 14:15
Vortrag Reiter*innenstaffel in Bochum/nichtmenschliche Tiere bei der Polizei (von die tierbefreier Bochum)

14:30 – 15:30
Vortrag zu Klimagerechtigkeit, inkl. Folgen Tierproduktion (von Klimavernetzung Ruhr)

15:30 – 16:00
Vorstellung Aktionsbündnis “Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie” (

16:00 – 17:30
D.I.Y. Nisthilfenbau für Wildbienen und Solifoto für Aktionsbündnis “Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie”

17:30 – 18:30
Einführung in Bedürfnisorientierte Kommunikation
· wertschätzend · radikal · verbunden ·
(von Li/e\beration und tiefgrün)

“Nachhaltigkeit im Aktivismus”, “Handlungsfähig sein & bleiben”, “#Selflove” oder zumindest “#Selfcare“, “Auf mich achtgeben”, “Aufeinander achten”, “Füreinander da sein”, “Das Private ist politisch”, “Leben herrschaftsfrei(er) gestalten” – das sind einige der Worte, die aus dem letzten Jahr noch nachwirken und denen wir uns nun gemeinsam in einem Versuch von einer ganz anderen Seite annähern wollen: Im Rahmen einer kurzen Einführung des Konzepts der “Bedürfnisorientierten Kommunikation” stellen wir vor, was wir uns darunter vorstellen.

19:00 – 20:00
Musik von und mit Bright

20:00 – 21:00 Lesung (Neo C. und Animot – Verlag)
Im Animot – Verlag erschienen, versammelt der Textband „Wer zur Welt kommt, den bestraft das Leben“ von Neo C. verschiedene literarische Projekte, die sich mit philosophisch und politisch steilen Thesen auseinandersetzen und zum Teil aus der Verarbeitung aktivistischer Erfahrungen hervorgegangen sind. Der rote Faden: Alle Beiträge kreisen – wie es im Klappentext heißt – um das Spannungsfeld „zwischen Aufbruch und Abbruch, zwischen Aneignung und Abstoßung und der vielleicht menschlichsten Frage überhaupt: Sein oder Nichtsein?

Anarchist Bookfair Amsterdam!

Tomorrow, the 2.11.2019, mxsprout will be present at the Anarchist bookfair in Amsterdam. 
Let’s have a chat and a look at the Opstand-Table!

It is at Dokhuis, Amsterdam, starts at 12 (at least this is the time when everyone will have built up their stands), and goes until the evening.

There will be workshops and food and chats and yeah get your DIY anarcho spirit going and connect 🙂
looking forward to!



#2 ACE WEEK 2019!

Due to aceweek, I want to present you a new zine, that I’ve made quite recently.
It puzzles together a journey of insights, dealing with being non-binary and finding out about asexuality/grey-asexuality.

The name is VAE –  the first letters of the main topics constituting the content of the zine.
sure about veganism, anarchy, equality, but what about very asexual enby? 

I’ll get it online as soon as I can 🙂


Weil Ace Week ist, würd ich euch gern n neues Zine vorstellen: A_zine#1
Es werden Fragen um Asexualität, Identität,.. behandelt!


Inzwischen ist es auch online, deswegen:
Schaut gern rein hier

Update 1.11.19: You can download it/ have a look here




Ace Week, 20th – 26th of October

This week the Asexual Awareness Week takes place. It is a week full of offline and online activism to spread awareness about asexuality in it’s whole spectrum.

Ace Week (founded as Asexual Awareness Week in 2010) is an annual event that puts asexuality in the spotlight.


This will be a kind of personal post, explaining what the ace week is about, and how it touched me, and how therefore the collective will also take part in the ace week.


Firstly: Asexuality is valid, as much as any other sexual orientation. And secondly: I am superexcited, what a wonderful picture the people at are painting: The ace community has made significant headway over the years. Asexual representation in mainstream media continues to improve, major LGBTQ+ organizations now acknowledge and include asexuals, and ace community groups have sprouted up and flourished in cities around the world.

Based in the Netherlands, we Europeans know that we count ourselves to the west. Our mindset, our practices and our way of dealing/communicating and accounting for each other are really heteronormative, and (mostly [hetero-] sexual. This is why the ace week is superimportant for the queer and non-queer communities. Everyone need to lean that ‘The sex is an important part of one’s life’, where in fact, it is not. Sex always has to be consentual personal choice, whetther and in which way it takes place. And it is no ones’s business to judge, wether to have or not to have sex.

As they say, the fight for visibility and acceptance is still ongoing. Ace identities are often overlooked or misunderstood, and many aces still grow up not realizing that asexuality is an option.
Since the issues aces face are directly influenced by their other marginalized identities, many in our community—especially aces of color, disabled aces, and aces with other LGBTQ+ identities—can face significant barriers to equality and acceptance.

Asexuality was never offered as an option to relate to for child/teenie/adult self. It took me painfully long to realize that this is a possible and valid sexual orientation. When growing up on the countryside, where even homosexuality was verbally disgraced, I would not know about any of it. Heterosexuality was the norm. Moving to the city, there was also no visibility, it was taboo (at least as a topic in circles where I was roaming).
Sex or not having sex is taboo. But not having sex, that must have a reason, which is ‘not normal’.
After this strange test of braveness (the frist time having sex) plus the pressur e of doing it in a certain age span, I had relationships that weren’t that good, I just pretended they were.
Later on I realized that there must be something wrong. I got an endless amount of tips for what I should do to make ‘it’ feel nice for me, which is – in retrospect – hilarious. These tips did point out to something that is not taught in homes or schools – the lack of consent and of learning your kid that they have a choice. A choice to say no in every way, to fulfill what they are, to be themselves.

I wonder why we can’t just accept everyone’s own sexuality, without even asking for this. Can we stop sexualizing? Can we practice good consent? That would be amazingly great.



marine life still lives under the anthropocentric gaze – the zine #2



Introducing to you the second zine in the zone, marine lives under the anthropocentric gaze.
The text in the booklet is in English.)


Wir stellen euch hiermit das zweite Zine vor, marine lives under the anthropocentric gaze.
(Es ist in Englischer Sprache.)

a picture of an A5 zine on greyish-sea blue background.


marine life still lives under the anthropocentric gaze
64 pages, full color, staple binding
CC BY-NC-SA, crabe enrage, 2019, english

Depicted, still lifes. Their lives, still, unheard – only for us, human land animals, as we fail to comprehend their language. By turning life into death, we silence them. Why?
Language and Systems of Representation constitute our practices of looking – thus they organize, construct and mediate our understanding of reality. We need to question what at first glance appears to be truth, question our perception and perspective. Change. The time to act has already come.


In the follwoing weeks, i will provide some links to soures, information on the content of the booklet here, via this link.
If you want to have a copy, write us an email!

In the future we’ll be hopfully able to provide you with other distibution/ordering/anarchist bookshop possibilities of getting the zine 🙂


Ich wer euch in nächster Zeit mit ein paar Links und Ressourcen versorgen, die zusätzlich zum Inhalt des Zines interessant sind!, unter diesem Link.
Wenn du eine Kopie haben willst, schreib uns eine Mail!
Hoffentlich kömma in Zukunft euch auch mit anderen Möglichkeiten des Erwerbs des Zines versorgen, wie z.B. Anarchistische Buchläden oder andere Distro 🙂


xx much love

crabe enrage



 – the first post goes to NOBLOGS –

what’s this? is a universe made of people, collectives, associations, motleys, informal groups, and much more.
we share aims – ‘struggle for a world where fairness, equal rights and freedom are the corner stones of people’s life; fight back a society too interested in controlling us and in knowing who we are instead of what do we think or love/hate; resist to the widespread idea that any single moment of our life can be traded with money or economically valuable stuff.’

they’re connecting radical people. because they are non commercial, antifascist, antisexist, privacy-oriented blog platform, we are here too.
we dont like g**gle, we don’t agree with stupid data policy and deforestation and climate change to be accellerated by huge server farms and computing power in need for steady electricity and resource supply (like lithium or manganese), exploiting planet earth, nonhuman and human animals. It makes us sad and angry.

We do make zines we use paper made of trees and toner and laserprints, still DIY, and maybe not the most sustainable. We want to do differently in the future, and are trying to network our way out to a beautiful, sustainable way of doing this. I will dig into this in another post (and when I am done, i link it here).
Until this is feasible, we want to distribute our zines – because the message is what is worth spreading, oind we believe in the means the message comes through, aka the photographic zines. So we kindly ask you to share and give away the zine, when you are done. If you want others to have one (because with photos, copying is really shitty), maybe you could donate a bit more to the production price, so that we can produce an additional one :)P

This project is at the very beginning. Feel free to reach out with whatever you want to say!
NOBLOGS, mille grazie.

– mx. sprout