marine life still lives under the anthropocentric gaze – the zine #2



Introducing to you the second zine in the zone, marine lives under the anthropocentric gaze.
The text in the booklet is in English.)


Wir stellen euch hiermit das zweite Zine vor, marine lives under the anthropocentric gaze.
(Es ist in Englischer Sprache.)

a picture of an A5 zine on greyish-sea blue background.


marine life still lives under the anthropocentric gaze
64 pages, full color, staple binding
CC BY-NC-SA, crabe enrage, 2019, english

Depicted, still lifes. Their lives, still, unheard – only for us, human land animals, as we fail to comprehend their language. By turning life into death, we silence them. Why?
Language and Systems of Representation constitute our practices of looking – thus they organize, construct and mediate our understanding of reality. We need to question what at first glance appears to be truth, question our perception and perspective. Change. The time to act has already come.


In the follwoing weeks, i will provide some links to soures, information on the content of the booklet here, via this link.
If you want to have a copy, write us an email!

In the future we’ll be hopfully able to provide you with other distibution/ordering/anarchist bookshop possibilities of getting the zine 🙂


Ich wer euch in nächster Zeit mit ein paar Links und Ressourcen versorgen, die zusätzlich zum Inhalt des Zines interessant sind!, unter diesem Link.
Wenn du eine Kopie haben willst, schreib uns eine Mail!
Hoffentlich kömma in Zukunft euch auch mit anderen Möglichkeiten des Erwerbs des Zines versorgen, wie z.B. Anarchistische Buchläden oder andere Distro 🙂


xx much love

crabe enrage